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Atomic Wallet Knowledge base where you can find all wallet related content. Guides how to use in-built services and main features.

How do I create a wallet?

So you’ve already downloaded and installed Atomic Wallet on your device? Now let’s proceed to create a new wallet. If you already have a wallet and want to restore it - please follow our instructions in this guide.

  1. Open the application on your device.

  2. Click Create Wallet.

  3. Set up a strong and secure password. We recommend using a password manager. If you are creating it yourself, make sure it is different from all other passwords you have ever used. Repeat the password and click Set Password. Let the wallet load

  4. Another important step on this screen is enabling Atomic Wallet to collect logs. This is an anonymous process with only one purpose - to better assist you in case you ever reach out to us. It is strictly anonymous. More about it here. You can skip this step if you still prefer not to send your anonymous logs. Then click Open Wallet.

  5. That’s it! Your wallet is now ready to use. This whole process only needs to be done onc

Last updated